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  • Policies | Blairgowrie-P-Church

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  • Church of Scotland | | Blairgowrie

    "I can do everything through him [Christ] who gives me strength." (Philippians 4:13) 'This Week at Home' Family Worship 14 - 20 April 2024 'Learning to live after our mistakes' Read More NEWSLETTER Latest Church News Spring 2024 Read More Guild News ​ 'Whose we are, and Whom we serve' February2024 Read More Blairgowrie & Rattray HUB Magazine Spring Edition 2024 Read More Wednesday, 2.00 pm Bible Study ​ Currently Paused Date to be confirmed! Read More Safeguarding Handbook ​ The Church of Scotland Online References & Guidelines Read More Blairgowrie Parish Church Annual Accounts 2022 2022 Read More Struggling with Thankfulness “Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus." (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) Scottish minister Alexander Whyte was known for his uplifting prayers in the pulpit. That’s because he always found something for which to be grateful. One Sunday morning the weather was so gloomy that one church member thought to himself, “Certainly the preacher won’t think of anything for which to thank the Lord on a wretched day like this.” ​ Much to his surprise, however, Whyte began by praying, “We thank Thee, O God, that it is not always like this!” ​ Difficult circumstances often make giving thanks a real challenge. And yet, the apostle Paul with utter conviction and personal experience tells us to “Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances.” ​ Now, I must be honest, sometimes it's the "all" in that verse that gets me. Most of us can be thankful, for lots of things, at lots of times, but in "all" circumstances? That can be hard. ​ What about when you find yourself suffering illness, or defeat, or you're walking through huge loss... What about when a loved one leaves this world too soon and you still can't see past your tears... Or when you've been praying for your prodigal loved one to come home and it seems like the prayers are unanswered... What about when you're discouraged, disillusioned, and struggling with disbelief... Or when you're overwhelmed, overextended, and just fighting being over-stressed... What about when the needs mount high and the way doesn't look clear... Or when people are cruel, life seems unfair, and the enemy's breathing down your back… What about when the storms come, and the car breaks down, or you are stranded in the middle of nowhere miles from the nearest village or petrol station Yes, these are the "all" things that can be hard to find gratitude in, whether it's huge losses or just life irritations. But God's word never changes to fit our circumstances. His Truth rises above our circumstance, so that we can too. He doesn't say give thanks "for it" , but "in it all," for He knows He's building more deeply into our lives and character than He could ever build without the hard times. ​ We're gaining strength. We're gaining perseverance. We're being reminded that true joy is never based on how we feel or our outside situations. We're understanding that God's ways are bigger, His thoughts are higher, and we can be assured that He holds us in His hands. ​ And He is with us. ​ Always. No matter what you might be facing, the good news is this, you woke up. He's given us today. And if we're still here, living and breathing, may our every breath bring honour to Him. ​ Be assured my friend, you never fight the battles alone. Stay strong. Choose joy. Choose to be grateful in it "all." For He is building greatness. He's working things out for good. He hears our prayers, He sees all, and knows all. He has purpose for our pain, and brings hope for our tomorrows... ​ With every blessing and grace, ​ Waiting on His return, Benjamin Prayer ​ Gracious God, you are the giver of all good gifts. For these we give thanks. There are times, as you know, when it’s hard for us to attend to your gifts. When we face difficulties in life, when our hearts are heavy with grief, when we experience suffering in our lives or in the lives of those we love, gratitude doesn’t come easily. So we ask for your help. Help us, Lord, to be genuinely and even joyfully grateful at “all” times. May we delight in your good gifts even as we struggle. Thank you, Lord, for the gift of Christian community. Thank you for those who can bring our needs to you. Thank you for the chance to share in their gratitude even when we are hurting. Be ever with us. In Jesus name. Amen. ​ BLAIRGOWRIE PARISH CHURCH *** Audio Visual Upgrade ​ A Church fit for purpose, today and tomorrow During the past two years we have learned how important it is for people to come together and how important it is for us, as a church, to facilitate that coming together wherever and however we can. We also have a mission to spread the Gospel and a stewardship responsibility for our building. The new Audio-Visual (AV) system, while expensive to install, will help us to achieve our goals and show ourselves as a forward looking, scripturally driven and community focused church for the future by... • Bringing people together with live streaming for the good times and the sad (weddings, funerals) • Spreading the Gospel with live streaming of services • Meeting the needs of our community groups • Providing an income stream to support our church and its buildings. It is intended that all costs will be covered by fundraising, and not from church funds. No-one will be required to contribute. We hope to raise £35,000 so far we have raised £15,426 Thank you! Will you share in our vision? Contact: David Howat: PRAYER DIARY March and April 2024 View More Welcome to Blairgowrie Parish Church's website. ​ We’re a Christian community in the beautiful Perthshire town of Blairgowrie. ​ We are a church family of ordinary people who have experienced God’s love in Jesus. We seek to live and teach the Christian faith so that people can understand it and respond to the message it offers. ​ Whatever your reason for coming here – whether you are in need of help; searching for a church; looking forward to your wedding or baptism; exploring faith or simply planning to visit the area – come and visit us, we'd love to welcome you. Rev Benjamin J A Abeledo ABOUT OUR CHURCH Our Vision ​ Our vision is of a Bible-based church that is vibrant with prayerful people who worship and serve Jesus Christ and attract others to follow Him. READ MORE >> SERMONS Listen and Watch Online Welcome to our latest sermons, simply follow the links below... WATCH WORSHIP Come and join us on Sunday morning and be part of our worship community. Sunday 11.00 am You will be very welcome! READ MORE >> Prayers and Worship Resources Prayers to use during the Coronavirus crisis Click here Daily Reflection Daily Bible Readings and Reflections Click Here Latest Sermon Psalm 13 & Romans 8:18-30 A Prayer of Lament Sunday 14th April 20 24 Rev. Benjamin Abeledo News and Events Find out more about coming events Read More Explore Faith Wrestling with the issue of faith? Find out more Read More Links Useful Links to encourage and support your faith and service. Read More Devotionals Useful Resources to build your faith and study of the Bible Read More Church Newsletter Spring 2024 Read More Life Events Find out more about Baptism, Weddings, Funerals and Church Membership Read More

  • REFERENCE SECTION | Blairgowrie-P-Church

    This reference area holds policy documents and other items of general interest. Follow the links in the Submenu to find more!

  • Data Protection | Blairgowrie-P-Church

    Data protection Data Consent Form View Privacy Notice -Employees View Data Retention Policy View General Overview View Privacy Notice View Data Protection Policy View

  • Church Magazine | Blairgowrie-P-Church

    NEWSL ETTER Newsletter Spring 2024 View Newsletter Summer 2023 View Newsletter Autumn 2022 View Newsletter Winter 2023 View Newsletter Spring 2023 View Newsletter Winter 2021 View

  • Prayer Diary | Blairgowrie-P-Church

    PRAYER DIARY March and April 2024 "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord." ( Psalm 33:12) Ple ase pray for ... Our Church As we approach Easter we pray to a Loving Father to bless our services and all aspects of outreach within our church and beyond. May all Jesus has done for us become real and meaningful. May we reach out to the lonely and be a comfort to all who are bereaved. Give thanks for the work of the Craft Group extending friendship to many. Pray for Easter Praise in the Wellmeadow on 23rd March at 3pm and the Holy Week services: Maundy Service on 28th and Good Friday Service on 29th, both at 7pm Remember the Holiday Club being planned for the 3rd, 4th and 5th April. Our Community Loving God, we pray for our schools, for all teachers and pupils, that they may see how having a Christian faith can make a difference to every aspect of living and learning. We give thanks for all who work as volunteers in our community. We pray for their support and encouragement. With dwindling numbers taking part in youth organisations, we especially remember all who make these groups worthwhile. Our World Sovereign God, as elections take place in many parts of the world we pray for people of integrity to lead and govern. We pray for wisdom as problem solving techniques are developed through Artificial Intelligence. Pray for this work to be for the glory of God. Compassionate God, we remember people living in areas of conflict. Give them courage and faith as they live through desperate times. We pray for aid agencies to find a way through to needy people. Remember many parts of the world coping with floods. Hasten the day of your return, Lord Jesus, when all war will cease and there will be no more crying or pain. "May your unfailing love be with us, Lord, even as we put our hope in you." (Psalm 33:22) Prayer @ Ten takes place each Sunday in the Meeting Room. All welcome

  • What We Teach | Blairgowrie-P-Church

    WHAT WE TEACH Important Point to Note: As a congregation of the Church of Scotland, we are a gathered community of people who hold to a Christian standard of faith. We are made up of members and friends who in their Christian journey, and with sincerity of heart, some may hold differences of opinion and views on some theological and doctrinal points of interpretation. As a congregation, we respect those differences as we continue our walk of faith together. ​ Church of Scotland Statement ​ Our standards of belief are to be found in the Old and New Testament and in the Church's historic Westminster Confession of Faith . For a brief summary of our beliefs, it is useful to look at the Apostles' Creed , which is used by many churches in declaring Christian faith: ​ "I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth, and in Jesus Christ, His only Son our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; he descended into hell. ​ "The third day he rose again from the dead, he ascended into Heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. ​ "I believe in the Holy Ghost; the Holy Catholic Church; the Communion of Saints; the Forgiveness of Sins; the Resurrection of the Body; and the Life Everlasting." ​ This creedal statement was approved by the General Assembly of 1992. You can find this statement in the Church's worship book, Common Order . It is used alongside the Apostles' Creed and the Nicene Creed , ancient creeds of the church (see the link for these Creeds at the bottom of the page). ​ * * * * * * Our Basis of Faith ​ Below is a very brief summary of what we, as a Church of Scotland congregation, believe: God There is one God, who exists eternally in three distinct but equal persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. God is unchangeable in his holiness, justice, wisdom and love. He is the Almighty Creator, Saviour and Judge who sustains and governs all things according to His sovereign will for His own glory. The Bible The Church of Scotland acknowledges the Word of God which is contained in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the supreme rule of faith and life. ​ The Church of Scotland holds as its subordinate standard the Westminster Confession of Faith, recognising liberty of opinion on such points of doctrine as do not enter into the substance of the Faith, and claiming the right, in dependence on the promised guidance of the Holy Spirit, to formulate, interpret, or modify its subordinate standards always in agreement with the Word of God and the fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith contained in the said Confession, of which agreement the Church itself shall be sole judge. ​ [From the Services of Ordination and Induction to the Ministry of Word and Sacrament - See also, The Book of Common Order, p 337] [The current ministry under the preaching and teaching of the Rev BJA Abeledo holds the view of the Bible in the following terms] God has revealed Himself in the Bible, which consists of the Old and New Testaments alone. Every word was inspired by God through human authors so that the Bible as originally given is in its entirety the Word of God, without error and fully reliable in fact and doctrine. The Bible alone speaks with final authority and is always sufficient for all matters of belief and practice. The Human Race ​ All men and women, being created in the image of God, have inherent and equal dignity and worth. Their greatest purpose is to obey, worship and love God. As a result of the fall of our first parents, sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all humanity, for all have sinned. Every person is therefore under the just condemnation of God and needs to be forgiven and reconciled to God in order to know and please him. The Lord Jesus Christ ​ The Lord Jesus Christ is fully God and fully man. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin and lived a sinless life in obedience to the Father. He taught with authority and all his words are true. On the cross he died in the place of sinners, thus making a true and proper atonement for sin. He rose from the dead and in his resurrection body ascended into heaven where he is exalted as Lord of all. He intercedes for His people in the presence of the Father. Salvation ​ Salvation is entirely a work of God’s grace and cannot be earned or deserved. It has been accomplished by the Lord Jesus Christ and is offered to all in the gospel. God in his love forgives sinners whom he calls, granting them repentance and faith. All who believe in Christ are justified by faith alone, adopted into the family of God and receive eternal life. The Holy Spirit ​ The Holy Spirit has been sent from heaven to glorify Christ and to apply his work of salvation. He convicts sinners, imparts spiritual life and gives a true understanding of the Scriptures. He indwells all believers, brings assurance of salvation and produces increasing likeness to Christ. He builds up the Church and empowers its members for worship, service and mission. The Church The universal Church is the body of which Christ is the Head and to which all who are saved belong. It is made visible in local churches, which are congregations of believers who are committed to each other for the worship of God, the preaching of the Word, the administering of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, for pastoral care and discipline and for evangelism. The unity of the body of Christ is expressed within and between churches by mutual love, care and encouragement. True fellowship between churches exists only where they are faithful to the gospel. Baptism and the Lord’s Supper Baptism and the Lord’s Supper have been given to the churches by Christ as visible signs of the gospel. Baptism is a sacrament instituted by Christ to be administered to believers who have repented of their sins and are trusting in the merits of Christ for their salvation. It is a symbol of union with Christ and entry into his Church. The Lord’s Supper is a sacrament instituted by Christ to be administered to believers who, having ‘examined’ themselves, can rightly partake of the elements in all good conscience. The Future ​ The Lord Jesus Christ will return in glory for those who have received Him as Saviour and Lord. Reformed? Presbyterian? Blairgowrie Parish Church is a congregation currently under a conservative ministry in the Reformed and Presbyterian tradition. We are part of the Church of Scotland. A fuller statement of our beliefs as a church can be found in the following documents: ​ The Westminster Confession of Faith The Scots Shorter Catechism The Apostle’s Creed The Nicene Creed

  • Baptisms | Blairgowrie-P-Church

    BAPTISM The Meaning of Baptism ​ When we come to faith in Christ, the Bible instructs us to be baptised. Baptism signifies a washing in water which reminds us that we are cleansed and forgiven of our sins, since Jesus has paid the penalty for all our sins on the cross. Baptism signifies that we have come into a special relationship with Jesus Christ. This sacrament therefore represents to us the wonderful blessings that flow from this special ‘covenant’ relationship with God; for God has promised to be our God [and the God of our children through all generations]. We notice that baptism further signifies our initiation [membership] into the visible Church family. We are therefore not just welcomed into the fellowship of the local church, but are welcomed into the fellowship and family of God. Finally, baptism signifies that we now walk in a “newness of life” . Since Jesus died on the cross and was raised from the dead, Christians also share the blessings that flow from Christ’s death and resurrection. Therefore we see baptism as signifying a life in all its fullness, a resurrection life, an abundant new life in Christ. Adult Baptism When you are baptised you make profession of what Jesus has done for you (forgiveness of sins, cleansing), and what he continues to do in your life (changing you to be more like Jesus). In baptism you will take a vow of allegiance, declaring your heart’s desire to serve and obey Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. Infant Baptism Infant baptism places responsibilities upon you as parents, and not the children. Although a child may not understand the sacrament of baptism, and may not necessarily have come into a personal relationship with Jesus, it is important that one of the parents at least be a member [or adherent] of the church, as they are asked to make promises to God on the child’s behalf. ​ Parents [or Sponsors] are asked to make vows, professing their faith in Christ, and promising to make careful provision for their child’s spiritual development through Christian teaching and instruction. We can begin our child’s spiritual development by being a Christian influence in our home. At Blairgowrie Parish Church we offer a variety of Children’s ministries (Sunday School, Family services, and other church events) to help support parents in Christian instruction. As a child is admitted into the local church family, the congregation are invited to make promises to God, promising to love and care for the child, and to give support to the parents. ​ Who can be Baptised? So who ought to be baptised? In the New Testament it is clear that adult believers were baptised on their profession of faith - “Believe and be baptised!” The Church of Scotland believes that the Bible teaches us, as believers, to baptise our children. Through the baptism of our children we anticipate and pray that one day they will come into a personal relationship with Jesus, and that they will experience the promises and privileges of their baptism in a personal way. ​ Service of Blessing and Thanksgiving A Service of Blessing and Thanksgiving is a step on the way to Baptism. In many ways it is Baptism without the water! It involves special prayers for the child and family and the dedication of him/her to God. It does not involve parents making promises (see later). More and more parents these days are opting for this service, for various reasons which may include: ​ Parents want to mark and celebrate in Church their child’s arrival but don't feel ready yet to make the promises involved with a Baptism service. Parents would prefer that their child make up their own mind about Baptism when they are older and can make the promises for themselves. One parent is not at this time able to make the promises and therefore it would be hypocritical for them to say words of Christian faith that they don't believe. Parents don’t at this time feel able to make a commitment of a Church involvement that we require at Blairgowrie Parish Church before we arrange a Baptism. ​ If you have not been attending Blairgowrie Parish Church for long, or at all, then a service of Blessing and Thanksgiving is certainly the right service for you at this time. ​ ​ The Mode of Baptism ​ In the Greek language ‘baptism’ can mean “to dip, immerse or sprinkle” . In the Reformed tradition, all three expressions for baptism are acceptable ways to administer the sacrament. In the Church of Scotland it is more common-place to have baptism by “sprinkling” , where the minister will baptise from a ‘font’ at the front of the church. The minister will pour or sprinkle water on the candidate’s head, baptising them in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. What Happens Next? It is important that you contact Benjamin (Minister) through the to organize an interview with you. He will be delighted to help and answer any questions regarding baptism, a service of blessing or any other issues that are not clear to you. ​ Documents Baptism Application Baptism & Thanksgiving Booklet Blessing and Thanksgiving Application

  • CONTACT | Blairgowrie-P-Church

    CONTACT US Where We Are Minister: Rev Benjamin JA Abeledo: 01250 87 0986 Blairgowrie Parish Church James Street Blairgowrie Perthsire PH10 6EZ Hall Let Convenor: Mrs Colleen Joslin 01250 87 3701 Session Clerk: Mr Clifford Cooke 01250 79 8642

  • Gospel of John | Blairgowrie-P-Church

    ​ “But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.” (John 20:31) God willing, from January 2020 we will begin a new extended series of sermons on the Gospel of John. The fourth Gospel holds peculiar significance to me for many reasons, but especially because it is written by the disciple closest to our Lord. When you read the Gospel of Matthew, you are reading the record of our Lord as seen through the eyes of a devoted disciple. Mark and Luke, of course, were dedicated Christians who knew and loved Jesus Christ, though they learned about him largely through the testimony of others. But John is one who leaned upon his breast. He was of that inner circle which included Peter and James, who went with our Lord through the most intimate circumstances of his ministry and heard more than any of the others. The history of John the disciple of Jesus was well known. He was the son of Zebedee, brother of James and called a "Son of Thunder." The book of John was written after the destruction of Jerusalem, in A.D. 70 and before John's exile to the island of Patmos. Of the eight miracles recorded in this book, six are unique, (among the Gospels), to John, as is the "Upper Room Discourse" (John 14-17). Over 90 percent of John is unique to his Gospel - John does not contain a genealogy or any record of Jesus birth, childhood, temptation, transfiguration, appointment of the disciples, nor any account of Jesus parables, ascension, or great commission. In every chapter, Jesus deity is revealed and Jesus identity is understood by the titles He is given. The titles of Jesus in the gospel of John includes Son of God, Messiah, the Word, the only Son, Lamb of God, true bread, life, resurrection, and vine. And the formula is "I am." ​ When Jesus uses this phrase, He affirms His pre-existence and eternal deity. Jesus says, I am the bread of life (John 6:35); I am the good shepherd (John 10:11, 14); I am the resurrection and the life (John 11:25); I am the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6); and I am the true vine (John 15:1). John makes it clear that Jesus is not just a man; He is the eternal son of God. Because Jesus is God's Son, we can perfectly trust what He says. By trusting Him, we can gain an open mind to understand God's message and fulfil His purpose in our lives. The main theme in the Bible book of John is to prove conclusively that Jesus is the Son of God and that all who believe in Him will have eternal life. The key verses of the book of John are John 20:30-31 where we are told, "Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name." No book in the Bible has a more sustained focus on the glory of Jesus Christ than the Gospel of John. “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father” (John 1:14 ). In this series, we will open this book with a sense of anticipation. For the greatest possible blessing of the Holy Spirit on our church, the good of the world and above all for the glory of God in Christ Jesus.

  • Who's Who | Blairgowrie-P-Church

    MEET THE TEAM Rev Benjamin Abeledo Minister Christine Pate Flower Convenor Rev Brian Dingwall Interim Moderator elect Clifford Cooke Session Clerk Margaret Conroy Mission & Outreach David Howat Communications Elinor Smith Pastoral Care

  • Music | Blairgowrie-P-Church

    MUSIC & WORSHIP MUSIC AND WORSHIP Like most churches, Blairgowrie Parish Church sees music as a key ingredient in the worship of God. We take our lead from the Bible – from Psalm 150, with its comprehensive call on instrumentalists of all kinds, through to St. Paul’s call in Ephesians 5:19 to ‘sing and make music in your heart to the Lord’. Although we strive to be the best we can be at all levels, we see music as ministry not performance: a whole-hearted offering to God, with integrity and sincerity. In keeping with this, Benjamin (Minister) believes in the use of musical instruments. Whether organ, guitars, drums, violins, flutes etc, God's expects us to use them. Although currently we don't have a praise group, in prayer we wait for those whom God has gifted with the ability to play an instrument, and are willing to play for His glory. Maybe you are one of those who can play and willing to plat at our church? We have a choir which wonderfully contributes every Sunday, at our morning worship service. SUNDAY WORSHIP SUNDAY SERVICE Every Sunday 11.00 am SUNDAY EVENING SERVICE (MONTHLY) 6.30pm

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