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Image by Ruben Hutabarat


September & October 2024


How many are your works, Lord!

In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures.
There is the sea, vast and spacious, teeming with creatures beyond number – living things both large and small.
Psalm 104. 24-25


Please pray for ...

The JAM Club -  October 16th ,17th ,18th 2024 - when the theme will be ‘Deep Sea Divers’. May God give wisdom and energy to all the members of the team as they seek to reach out to local young people with the Gospel.

Dear God, we praise you for the mighty oceans teeming with life and rich resources. Help us to value, restore and care for them. May encouragement be given to all who seek to solve the problem of plastic pollution.
Lord, we pray for all who make their living from the sea. May they have the right resources to keep them safe. Protect those whose homes are threatened by rising sea levels.
Give thanks for all who serve in the coastguard and rescue services. May they too be protected as they put their own lives in danger. Help us to understand why so many creatures are stranded on coasts. Lord, show us the way to
stop this.


Lord Jesus, you are the way, the truth and the life, there is none other to whom we may go. We pray for our church that together we may be a beacon of light and hope in the community. We give thanks for the Rev Brian Dingwall acting as our Interim Moderator and Locum. We pray for the appointment of a new
minister asking for God’s guidance as plans are drawn up.


As we celebrate Harvest let us give thanks for God’s wonderful provision in so many ways.

Pray for church organisations resuming after the summer break. Guide and help Working Groups and Session in decisions taken. Remember especially the future of our Boys’ Brigade, giving thanks for all who have served so
faithfully leading this organisation.


God, who sent His Son
to die on Calvary,
He, if I lean on Him,
will care for me.

Sarah Betts Rhodes


Prayer @ Ten resumes in September. All welcome.

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