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Unitary Constitution Model

At its meeting on 17th May 2023, the Kirk Session accepted the proposed working group structure and the remits for each group. Standing Orders for these groups were approved.

On the 25th September 2023, the Congregation voted to move to a model of governance known as The Unitary Constitution.  The change took effect on the 1st October 2023, when a special dedication service was held to mark the occasion.


Membership of each group is open to all church members and others and each group can co-opt anyone with a particular skill and interest – either for a short time, or a longer period. Church groups were asked to nominate a person to serve on a group of their choice, excluding Leadership.


At a time of huge change happening at a local and national church level, there are advantages to making the move. As well as being the preferred charity model and reducing the number of Trustees, these include:

  • most business matters being devolved to small sub-groups which would include elders, current Board members and members of the congregation with an interest in a particular aspect of life and work of the church,

  • people serving on sub-groups for a time-limited period (to encourage more to help at a time when needed)

  • fewer Session meetings with better informed and faster decision-making - being informed by feedback and recommendations from these sub-groups who would report back in a planned programme (i.e. not every meeting!),

  • expanding the leadership group  to include Working Group convenors,

  • encouraging members of the congregation to attend Session meetings where an agenda item is of interest,

  • more time in Session meetings for group discussion on more spiritual issues, etc

  • sub-groups meeting at a time/place that suits its members, and

  • specialists/experts/community group leaders being invited to the leadership group and/or sub-group meetings to advise or inform group members.


The Kirk Session continues to have oversight of the whole life and service of the church with responsibility for the spiritual and temporal oversight of our affairs, including Safeguarding.  Kirk Session meetings are open to all, with final decisions remaining with elders. Matters of discipline, admission to membership and appointment of elders are reserved to the Kirk Session.


Our Working Groups consist of:

  • Mission & Outreach

  • Worship

  • Communication

  • Finance and Stewardship

  • Fabric

  • Pastoral Care


For details of the remits and standing orders, click here.


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