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  • Working Teams | Blairgowrie-P-Church

    WORKING TEAMS The Congregation is a registered charity, number SC033757 and is administered in accordance with the Deed of Constitution (Model Constitution). Under the 'Model Constitution' we have a Congregational Board which manages the Financial and all other areas including property, publicity and communications. The Kirk Session comprises of all Elders who are members of the Congregation and who have been elected to the Eldership of The Church of Scotland. It has oversight of the whole life and service of the Church within its Parish; responsibility for the spiritual and pastoral oversight of the Congregation’s affairs. Its spiritual responsibility involves leadership, nurturing the spirituality of the Congregation and its members, caring for the spiritual welfare of the Parish and Parishioners, encouraging members to participate in the worship and life of the Congregation, and promoting mission and evangelism in the Parish. Both the Congregational Board and the Kirk Session meets usually monthly, presided over by the Minister as Chair and Moderator. In the coming months, we hope to set up 'Working Teams.' The members of these teams will be appointed, from the Elders and members of the Congregation:- ​ Worship Nurture & Discipleship Pastoral & Prayer Communications & Publicity Children, Youth & Families Finance & Stewardship Property Outreach Team Leaders The Parish is divided into districts, each of which is looked after by one Elder, who maintain regular contact with the members in the district, by way of visits and distribution of the Church Newsletter and other relevant information.

  • Gospel of John | Blairgowrie-P-Church

    ​ “But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.” (John 20:31) God willing, from January 2020 we will begin a new extended series of sermons on the Gospel of John. The fourth Gospel holds peculiar significance to me for many reasons, but especially because it is written by the disciple closest to our Lord. When you read the Gospel of Matthew, you are reading the record of our Lord as seen through the eyes of a devoted disciple. Mark and Luke, of course, were dedicated Christians who knew and loved Jesus Christ, though they learned about him largely through the testimony of others. But John is one who leaned upon his breast. He was of that inner circle which included Peter and James, who went with our Lord through the most intimate circumstances of his ministry and heard more than any of the others. The history of John the disciple of Jesus was well known. He was the son of Zebedee, brother of James and called a "Son of Thunder." The book of John was written after the destruction of Jerusalem, in A.D. 70 and before John's exile to the island of Patmos. Of the eight miracles recorded in this book, six are unique, (among the Gospels), to John, as is the "Upper Room Discourse" (John 14-17). Over 90 percent of John is unique to his Gospel - John does not contain a genealogy or any record of Jesus birth, childhood, temptation, transfiguration, appointment of the disciples, nor any account of Jesus parables, ascension, or great commission. In every chapter, Jesus deity is revealed and Jesus identity is understood by the titles He is given. The titles of Jesus in the gospel of John includes Son of God, Messiah, the Word, the only Son, Lamb of God, true bread, life, resurrection, and vine. And the formula is "I am." ​ When Jesus uses this phrase, He affirms His pre-existence and eternal deity. Jesus says, I am the bread of life (John 6:35); I am the good shepherd (John 10:11, 14); I am the resurrection and the life (John 11:25); I am the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6); and I am the true vine (John 15:1). John makes it clear that Jesus is not just a man; He is the eternal son of God. Because Jesus is God's Son, we can perfectly trust what He says. By trusting Him, we can gain an open mind to understand God's message and fulfil His purpose in our lives. The main theme in the Bible book of John is to prove conclusively that Jesus is the Son of God and that all who believe in Him will have eternal life. The key verses of the book of John are John 20:30-31 where we are told, "Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name." No book in the Bible has a more sustained focus on the glory of Jesus Christ than the Gospel of John. “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father” (John 1:14 ). In this series, we will open this book with a sense of anticipation. For the greatest possible blessing of the Holy Spirit on our church, the good of the world and above all for the glory of God in Christ Jesus.

  • Devotionals | Blairgowrie-P-Church

    Daily Devotionals Daily devotions or quiet times are time spent each day dedicated to relating with God. When Christians speak of daily devotions, they are usually referring to a time of reading their Bible, doing a Bible study, or reading a devotional book, accompanied by a time of prayer. Some may simply pray. Some also include musical worship. No matter the format of a daily devotional time, it is important. God desires relationship with us. He created us and has redeemed us for this very purpose. ​ The following links are designed to help you to follow some recommended devotional sites and Bible reading plans. We hope and pray that you will find it useful and a blessing as you endeavour to worship God and grow in your faith and your love for Him. Our Daily Bread ​ The Word for Today Word for You (For Young People) ​ WordLive (Scripture Union) ​ My Utmost For His Highest ​ Tabletalk Magazine ​ Reading Plans To start an interactive Bible reading plan, simply go to and click on the calendar icon near the top right corner of the page. This will open the reading plan pane, which features 18 interactive reading plans—all accessible with a free account. ​ Alternatively, the following Bible reading plans are available as PDF downloads for easy printing: ​ M’Cheyne One-Year Chronological Daily Light on the Daily Path 6-Month New Testament A Psalm a Day A Proverb a Day 30 Days in the New Testament Bible Gateway - Reading Plans

  • Sermons | Blairgowrie-P-Church

    SERMONS SERMONS ONLINE - NO LONGER AVAILABLE Due to falling numbers of listeners, and the rising numbers of people watching the video of Morning Worship, we have decided to cease making an 'audio-only' version. ​ If you would prefer to listen to recordings of the full church services, audio CDs are available via our CD Ministry. Please ask Dr Alisdair Shaw if you would like to receive audio CDs regularly, or are looking for a single recording of a particular church service.

  • Christianity Explored | Blairgowrie-P-Church

    CHRISTIANITY EXPLORED WHAT'S IS THE BEST NEWS YOU'VE EVER HEARD? Christianity Explored gives you time and space to think through who Jesus is and why it matters. Christianity Explored Have you ever desired to explore the Christian faith in an open, friendly, "questions-are-welcome" atmosphere? Do you have questions about God or who Jesus Christ is but don't have any place to ask them? ​ The CE course at Blairgowrie Parish Church of is an eight-week opportunity to explore the Christian faith in a relaxed environment with other individuals who are also exploring Christianity. Each week a different topic is presented in an informal and friendly atmosphere where you may ask questions or just sit and listen. Christianity Explored in a very informal way goes through the basics of what the Christian faith is all about. It's DVD-based and uses the gospel of Mark - one of the Bible's historical accounts of the life of Jesus - to ask three simple questions: ​ Who is Jesus? Why did he come? What does it mean to follow him? Click 'Christianity Explored' to find out more. If you'd be interested in coming along, or would like to know more, contact us and we'll let you know when the next course will be running at Blairgowrie Parish Church.

  • Newsletter | Blairgowrie-P-Church

    NEWSLETTER Winter 2023 READ

  • Guild | Blairgowrie-P-Church

    'Whose we are and Whom we serve.' The Church of Scotland Guild is a movement within the Church of Scotland which invites and encourages both women and men to commit their lives to Jesus Christ and enables them to express their faith in worship, prayer and action. With around 20,000 members, the Guild is one of Scotland's largest voluntary organisation. Although women make up the bulk of our membership, increasingly, men are becoming members and taking active roles at local and national levels. The Guild's motto is taken from Acts 27, verse 23: 'Whose we are and Whom we serve', and w orship is an important part of each meeting. ​ The Blairgowrie Parish Church Branch meets on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month at 2pm in the Church Hall. Our next meeting is on Monday 6th December when we will welcome friends from Kinclaven, Ardler, Kettins and Meigle Guilds to a fun pre-Christmas meeting. Martha Easton will organise a 'Name that Tune' quiz and there will be prizes and cakes! The final meeting of this year is our Christmas lunch at the Red House Hotel, Coupar Angus on Monday 18th December. ​ We enjoy great fun and friendship, and are always keen to welcome new members. Guild News June 2023 FOLLOW LINK FOR LATEST NEWS

  • NEWS & EVENTS | Blairgowrie-P-Church

    NEWS & EVENTS Prayer Diary 'This Week at Home' Family Worship Church Newsletter MARCH 2023 Giving by Standing Order Daily Reflection Bible Study. Every Wednesday at 7.30 pm in person in the Church Sanctuary as well as via 'Zoom.' Contact: David Howat: ​ ***WILL RESUME IN SEPTEMBER*** with 'CHRISTIANITY EXPLORE' ----------- Sunday School Resources for Families are available on this Church website under the 'This Week at Home.' Do use them with your children and worship God through it together. ​ Weekly Sunday Sermons. The weekly Sunday sermons can be found online (both video and audio) within our website. Click here and Tune in and together hear God's Word! ​ "Our Daily Bread.' The latest Bible reading notes are now available. If you would like a copy let us know and we could drop it to you or you can pick a copy at the Church. Also, they can be read online 'Our Daily Bread.' ​ ​ ​ Giving in Challenging Times - Would you consider a Standing Order? If you think there is some merit in changing your giving from the FWO envelopes or cash to Standing Order, please contact Dr Alisdair Shaw. He has an explanatory letter and a prepared Standing Order form he can send you. You may also wish to read a letter from the Church of Scotland on Generosity in Adversity . Thank you.​ ​ Latest GUILD NEWS!! ( JUNE 2023) ​ NEW!!! Blairgowrie & Rattray HUB SPRING MAGAZINE 2023 ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Meeting every Wednesday from 10.00-12.00 (Blairgowrie Parish Church Hall) ​ Bring along your craft, knitting, sewing, crochet, colouring or just come to enjoy the company and a cuppa. ​ ALL ARE WELCOME

  • Events Support group | Blairgowrie-P-Church


  • Funerals | Blairgowrie-P-Church

    FUNERALS With Sympathy A bereavement is a time of shock and grief, bewilderment and heartbreak. We can be overwhelmed by a torrent of emotions as we try to take in the loss of someone precious to us. At Blairgowrie Parish Church, we want to help you in any way we can. Our minister will be happy to come and visit you, offering care and support. If you would like us to conduct a funeral service, our minister will visit you to discuss and plan the service. ​ You do not need to be a member of the church in order for our minister to lead a funeral service on your behalf. We regard it as a privilege to be in a position to help you at a time when your feelings are at their most raw and tender. ​ If you would like the help of Blairgowrie Parish Church with a funeral service, please ask your funeral director to contact our minister as you begin to make the necessary arrangements. We will then be in touch with you soon thereafter. ​ If you are experiencing great difficulty in coming to terms with a bereavement, please contact us and we will be glad to meet you or speak to you. If we are not able to help you, we will be happy to suggest other agencies that might be able to help you more effectively. ​ ​ 'A Brief Guide for Funerals'

  • Who Is Jesus | Blairgowrie-P-Church

    WHO IS JESUS? DID JESUS EXIST? ​ Yes. Jesus and groups of his followers (early Christians, in fact) are mentioned, often disparagingly, by first century writers such as Tacitus, Pliny, Suetonius and Josephus. ​ The fact that Christianity exists at all demonstrates that someone called Jesus inspired and changed the lives of people in the early part of the first Century AD. WHAT DID HE DO? ​ Our best information about Jesus’ life and work comes from the four books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John in the Bible. Jesus showed people what God is like. He healed them and called them to follow Him. He told wonderful stories explaining how God wants all people to have a relationship with Him; to follow His ways and to help make the world as it was meant to be. He told them the most important thing was to love God with their whole being, and their neighbours as much as they loved themselves. ​ Jesus opened the door wide to all those who longed to come in. According to him, people didn’t have to be perfect to meet God; they just had to come with faith and trust. He put it this way: “Come to me all of you who are tired from the heavy burden you have been forced to carry. I will give you rest.” ​ Jesus’ message and actions were challenging and controversial to the Jewish and Roman authorities. To them he was a trouble-maker. So they arrested and tortured him, then executed Him by crucifixion. He was in his early thirties when he died. His friends went into hiding. It seemed all their hopes that this was the special man whom God had sent to free people and change the world had come to nothing. They thought they had backed the wrong person and were scared they too would be persecuted. ​ WHAT DO CHRISTIANS SAY ABOUT JESUS? ​ Three days after his death and burial, some of Jesus’ women friends went to his grave. They found the door open and his body missing. One of them, Mary Magdalene, recognised the man near the grave as Jesus Himself – and he was alive! Soon, other friends met him in different places. They knew he wasn’t a ghost because they could touch him, talk with him and share food with him. They weren’t stupid or deluded. Like everyone, they knew that dead people don’t walk around, talk and share meals. They realised that what Jesus had said about his death and resurrection was true. Jesus was alive again. ​ Christians believe Jesus is alive today, and that he is God. We believe He shows us completely what God is like. We know that God does love the world, and wants it to be better, because of what we read about Jesus. ​ Through His words and actions Jesus brought God’s healing and forgiveness into the world. Because he was a real person, he experienced the same things we all do: love, pain, joy, sorrow, worry and hope. He understands what it is like to be human, how difficult and wonderful it can be. ​ We believe that, because of him, we can each be part of God’s family as we were always supposed to be. Not by trying to be someone else but by becoming the person God made us to be and to do the things he wants us to do. Jesus put it this way: “I have come so that everyone will have life, and have it in its fullest.” ​ WHAT DOES JESUS MEAN TODAY? ​ We believe that Jesus gives meaning and purpose to our lives: ​ WE CAN BE FORGIVEN FOR THE THINGS WE GET WRONG WE CAN FIND PEACE, HEALING AND RENEWAL IN KNOWING GOD. WE CAN FIND COMFORT IN WALKING WITH HIM EVERY DAY. WE CAN FIND PURPOSE IN FOLLOWING JESUS, AND CONTINUING HIS WORK. Christians aren’t always very good at this. We are far from perfect, and there are many nicer and better behaved people everywhere. That’s why we need Jesus. ​ We believe that, through Jesus, we can all enter into a relationship with God – a real, loving relationship. And God wants us to grow up. We are challenged to know God more deeply and live more and more according to what Jesus did and taught. ​ Fortunately we aren’t asked to be perfect to journey with God. He didn’t come to help those who have everything sorted but for those of us who are broken, vulnerable and flawed. He knows we won’t get things right, He knows we will fall down repeatedly. The trick is to keep getting back up to try again with his help. ​ The first step on the journey with God is recognising we can’t be the people we want to be alone. Each of us needs God’s help and love, and the help and love of others in the church. Here are the some stories of our individual journeys at Blairgowrie Parish Church. It’s a great journey, challenging sometimes and it changes us, but it’s worth more than anything. We’d love you to come and join us on it. ​ HOW CAN I FIND OUT MORE ABOUT JESUS AND CHRISTIANITY? ​ The Christianity website is a good place to start. Also visit the 'Christianity Explored' website. ​ You can bring your questions and thoughts to us, just contact us. No question is silly or off-limits. Alternatively, come along to an Alpha Course, which we run regularly.

  • Weddings | Blairgowrie-P-Church

    Weddings CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations and a warm welcome to you if you are thinking about being married at Blairgowrie Parish Church. We will do our best to make your wedding day memorable for you, your family and your friends. This will be a very exciting time for both of you with many things to think about and plan. ​ The Ministry of Blairgowrie Parish Church believes in the Biblical definition of marriage. Scripture teaches in Genesis 1:27 that God created the first two human beings as male and female, designing them to complete one another and intending their sacred union as the means of procreation for the human race. We believe that marriage is the exclusive union of a man and a woman in covenant with one another and with God for life (Genesis 2:24 ). We reserve the right to abide by these Biblical convictions as a matter of obedience to Almighty God and in the exercise of our religious freedom. Getting married is one of the most important events in anyone’s life and if we can help with your wedding service we would be delighted to do that. These notes are intended to guide you as you plan your forthcoming wedding. If you need any other information, please do not hesitate to contact Benjamin Abeledo (Minister) 01250 87 0986, or by email: BOOKING A DATE FOR YOUR WEDDING It is always important that you make early contact with the Minister to arrange a date for your wedding. This should be done at an early stage of your planning for your wedding to ensure that the church and Minister are available for the date you would like. Wedding Application Form MEETING WITH THE MINISTER Benjamin will arrange to meet with you to discuss the date and preliminary arrangements for your wedding. It is usual, about four months before the date of your wedding, for a further meeting to go over all the details for the service, you should contact Benjamin about this time to make arrangements for this meeting. GETTING MARRIED IN CHURCH Blairgowrie Parish Church is a parish church and we understand that offering to conduct marriage services is part of our service to our parish. It would be usual for one or both of the Bride or Groom to live within the parish or to have a family connection to the congregation or parish. There is no requirement for couples getting married at Blairgowrie Parish Church to join the church. You are warmly welcomed and encouraged to join us for worship on Sunday morning at 11.00 am or on Sunday evening (Monthly) at 6.30 pm. Every couple seeking to be married at Blairgowrie Parish Church will be asked to take a short Marriage Preparation Course . See this not as a distraction but rather as an investment which will enhance your preparations as well as a more meaningful marriage. CIVIL REQUIREMENTS To get married at Blairgowrie Parish Church you must be legally entitled to get married. You must therefore register to be married with the Registrar. This should be done about three months before the date of your wedding. The Registrar will tell you when to collect the Schedule from them. The Schedule is the document signed by the Bride and Groom, the Minister and the two witnesses on the day of the service. This document must be returned to the Registrars within three days of the service so that your marriage may be recorded and a Marriage Certificate issued. The law requires the Schedule to be in the building where the ceremony takes place at the time of the ceremony and so it is vitally important that you make sure you have this Schedule and that it is in the church at the time of the service. REHEARSAL It is usual for there to be a rehearsal most often on the evening before the service. At the rehearsal the Bride and Groom, Best man and Bridesmaids, and all other members of the bridal party should attend. The rehearsal will last about 20 minutes and involves walking round where you will stand and how you will enter and leave the church during the service. MUSIC It is usual to have two hymns at a wedding service, but sometimes a couple will choose to have one hymn. The choice of hymns will be discussed with the Minister. Music for entry and retiral from the church will be discussed with the Minister and can also be discussed with the Church Organist. Our Church Organist is Mr Lex Dunlop and he can be contacted at church on Sunday mornings or by email at The Kirk Session cannot permit anyone other than the Church Organist to play without the prior consent of the Minister and the Church Organist being obtained. ORDERS OF SERVICE These can be printed through any stationers or printers but should normally contain the words of the hymns and the words of the Blessing if this is to be sung by the congregation. The hymns are the choice of the bride and groom but the Minister is normally consulted before printing is arranged. FLOWERS Flowers are the responsibility of the wedding party. They should be undertaken tastefully and in accordance with the knowledge that the Church is a place of worship. If the wedding takes place on a Thursday, Friday or Saturday, it is normal practice to leave the flowers in Church for Sunday Service, and thereafter for them to be given by the Church to the housebound, bereaved or ill. As soon as the arrangements regarding the Church wedding flowers are made, please telephone the Flower Convener, Mrs Yvonne Taylor 01250 872060, so that she can co-operate with you or the florist, whichever is applicable, over access to the Church premises whenever required. ​ The family may take the flowers after Sunday worship, or even after the wedding ceremony, if you wish. However, if this is to be done, the Minister and/or Mrs Taylor should be told in advance. PHOTOGRAPHS/VIDEOS Photographs may be taken at any suitable place outside the Church before and after the Service – for a reasonable length of time. No photographs are to be taken during the wedding ceremony, either by an official photographer or by any guest attending the wedding. The official photographer will be invited to photograph the signing of the Register. The use of video cameras is only allowed, in a stationary position and by only one camera. Again, no additional lighting can be permitted. THE CEREMONY The wedding ceremony is an Act of Public Worship. The Minister is responsible for its conduct. The Order followed is that of the Church of Scotland Book of Common Order. During the Service, the bride and groom are asked to take vows. An example of the vows are as follows:- ​ I, Groom now take you, Bride to be my wife. In the presence of God and before these witnesses I promise to be a loving, faithful, and loyal husband to you, until God shall separate us by death. ​ I, Bride now take you, Groom to be my husband. In the presence of God and before these witnesses I promise to be a loving, faithful, and loyal wife to you until God shall separate us by death. They may, however, effect to affirm to a question being asked of them, as follows:- ​ Do you, Groom now take Bride to be your wife. In the presence of God and before these witnesses do you promise to be a loving, faithful, and loyal husband to Bride , until God shall separate you by death. Answer: I do. Do you, Bride now take Groom to be your husband. In the presence of God and before these witnesses do you promise to be a loving, faithful, and loyal wife to Groom until God shall separate you by death. Answer: I do. The Minister will discuss this with them. One or two rings may be given and received. ON THE DAY On the Wedding Day, the Church will be open about one hour before the Service. The Ushers should make themselves known to the Elder on duty and follow his instructions about the seating of guests. The Ushers in the Vestibule of the Church usually hand the Order of Service to guests. Confetti must not be thrown anywhere within the grounds of the Church and in the neighbouring streets. Drivers of cars must exercise extreme care since spaces are very limited on St James' Street. All drivers of cars must not leave their vehicle in a position which would cause any inconvenience to residents in the vicinity of the Church. In particular, cars must not obstruct access to or egress from a dwelling house. THE FEES The fees for a wedding at BlairgowrieParish Church are: £300 for the church and £70 for the organist and £50 for the Beadle. Cheques for these fees should be brought to the Rehearsal day and given to Benjamin the Minister. ​ The above information can be found in our ' Wedding Brochure .' 'Wedding Application Form' - to be returned to the Minister once completed.

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